Ohio Election Law 2023.2
December 6, 2023 Richfield, Ohio

The Academy of Continuing Legal Education presents a program December 6, 2023, Wednesday. This program will provide information on the statutory requirements of Ohio election law, and an update on Federal and Ohio court decisions affecting Ohio election law for the 2024 Presidential primary election. The program will include up-to-the-minute Federal court orders, amendments to Revised Code Title 35 and the most current Secretary of State Directives and Advisories. This program has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio, Office of CLE, for 6.5 hours of CLE credit, including four hours of general CLE and 2.5 hours of Professional Conduct, and has been been approved by the Secretary of State for four hours credit for credit for attending the first 4 hours of this program, for Board of Elections member and director Additional Instruction as required by the Secretary of State. This credit will be in addition to, but does not substitute for, the mandatory "new members instruction" provided by the Secretary of State.

The December 6 program includes:

Recent Legislation, Secretary of State Directives, and Advisoriespresented by Raymond J. Hartsough, Esq., Assistant Chief Legal Counsel to the Secretary of State of Ohio, whose responsibilities include preparing the Directives and Advisories. Aaron Ockerman, the executive director of the Ohio Association of Elections Officials, will participate in the discussion of General Assembly actions affecting election law, including pending requirements for Voter Registration and pre-Primary party registration; Early Voting and Absentee Voting, including in-person and mail-in voting. 

Court Decisions Affecting Ohio Election Lawis is again presented by Deborah A. Dawson, Esq., Chief of the Civil Division of the Stark County Prosecuting Attorney, and Jessica Logothetides, Esq., Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. This is a continuously evolving area of Ohio law, in which Ms. Dawson and Ms. Logothetides have participated in litigating cases before the Supreme Court of Ohio. Ms. Dawson and Ms. Logothetides will present current developments in Ohio and Federal courts as of the date of the program. An interactive discussion with some of the participants in these cases will be encouraged.

Campaign Finance, Campaign Practices, and the Ohio Elections Commission is presented by Philip Richter, Esq., Executive Director of the Ohio Elections Commission. This section will describe campaign finance reporting requirements and methods, contribution limits, the processes for determining violations of campaign finance law and election law practice, and the authority of the Ohio Elections Commission.

These three sections, for which the Secretary of State has been asked to approve credit for the Board of Elections instruction requirement, will all be presented before the lunch break, so that attendees who do not have an interest in the attorney "Professional Conduct" presentation will be done at 1:20 PM.

The mandatory "Professional Conduct" two-and-one-half hour requirement for Ohio attorneys is presented, in two afternoon sections of 90 minutes and 60 minutes, by Linette M. Stratford, Esq., Chief Assistant Prosecutor for the Mahoning County Prosecuting Attorney, and adjunct faculty member of Youngstown State University. Ms. Stratford will present updates of "Disciplinary Issues for Attorneys Who Hold Public Office" and "Ethical Considerations for Attorneys Representing County, Township, and Local Government Agencies" These sections are intended to provide continuing guidance for attorneys in public service, as the professional responsibilities of public service continue to evolve.

A course outline is available here.

The seminar location is "Venue South" at the Richfield Conference Center, in the Quality Inn, 4742 Brecksville Road, Richfield, Ohio 44286, on Route 21 immediately south of the Ohio Turnpike exchange with Interstate Route 77, between Cleveland and Akron.

The Quality Inn has made a limited number of rooms available at a group rate. These rooms may be reserved by calling (330) 659-6151, by November 27, 2023, and indicating "Academy of C.L.E. Seminar" group.  "information about the hotel

Price for the six and one-half hours of CLE is $235.00, for early registrations paid before November 27, 2023. Late registrations, received on or after November 27, is $265.00. Non-attorney election officials who will not be attending the "Professional Conduct" portion, may register before November 27 for $180.00. This reduced rate applies to EARLY REGISTRATION ONLY. ALL registrations received November 27 or later will be accepted at the late registration fee of $265.00.  The Registration fee includes an electronic copy of the course materials, which will be emailed to each attendee about November 30. Attendees who want the Academy to print the materials and distribute at the program, may order a printed copy of the materials at an additional cost of ten dollars, to be paid in advance as indicated on the Registration form.

The Registration fee includes electronic reporting of CLE attendance to the Supreme Court of Ohio, Commission on Continuing Legal Education. The Registration fee also includes electronic reporting of attendance to the Secretary of State for Board of Elections credit, if requested by the attendee. If an attendee requests additional communications or documents to enable that attendee to apply for credit for attending this program with any other State or agency, there is an administrative charge of $50.00 per other State or agency for which communications or documents are requested.

No provision is available for attorney registration for less than the full 6.5-hour block. Attendance will be monitored in compliance with the rules provided by the Ohio Supreme Court. For additional information on registration, email AcademyofCLE@aol.com.

A Registration form that you may download, print, and postal mail
to the Academy with your check, is online here:

OHIO ELECTION LAW 2023.2 - Outline and Registration Form

367 North Cleveland Avenue       Mogadore, OH  44260-2101